If I were to say that Radiohead was the only band that mattered, would I i be going to far?? I don'tthink so. The bands new album "In Rainbows" proves my claim, over the course of the albums minimalistic 10 tracks Radiohead manages to make both music that is both sonically intricate and stripped down. "15 Step" the album's opener is the bands heaviest straight up rock song since the 90's and then moves into the prog-rock jammer "Bodysnathers,"but the show truly begins with the quiet,ethereal "Nude." In the song Thom Yorke warms his devious lover "You'll go to hell for what your thinking" and even with his foreshadows of eternal damnation his voice is so damn beautiful that you can't help but feel baptized in it. The album's strongest point is the beatiful, aching ballad "House of cards". The songs is built more on echoes than actual instruments. The albums closer "Videotape" is a meditation about emerging from the wilderness of the analog into the digital, or perhaps vice-versa. Either way if you are a lover of fine music than you will fall in love with "In Rainbows."
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